Tuesday, December 18, 2012

When The World Doesn't Make Sense

My thoughts, prayers, and heart are with the families in Connecticut.  I have watched like everyone else as the news reports have come in since Friday morning, in horror and disbelief.  I have been unable to think of anything to write here that would be worth saying or in any way helpful.
The magnitude of the shock and sadness that was born that morning for so many is almost beyond comprehension.  The combination of such complete innocence and richness in life represented by the beautiful children in that school with the sheer violence and insanity of the actions of one person jolts us into disbelief, confusion, and fear.  How could this happen?  This one question has probably been asked in one form or another constantly since Friday morning.
But worse than that, is the question of how these families will survive such heartbreak and sorrow. 
I don't know.  I really don't know.  I know that they will survive,...
each in their own way, each having to find what will allow them to keep going. 
But the pain and sadness they will have to endure seems somehow not survivable nor does it seem fair that anyone should have to go through it.
I know and understand some of their pain, maybe a lot of it, maybe more than most.  My heart aches for them.  While my experience was horrible as well, I can't stop thinking of what it would be like to put a little child on a bus for school like every other day, and then find out that they were murdered and their life was ended for no good reason.
There are so many people right now whose lives will never be the same as a result of a few minutes.
And the outpouring of concern and support from thousands around the country tells us we are as a united whole shaken to the core.
And I apologize because while I could write many condolences and inspirational things, try to say something supportive,  something is stopping me.  I am trying to figure out what that is...
The best I can think of is that I do understand their pain, and respect it.  And I think that it is a good thing that so many are communicating their support and sadness, and should continue to do so...because if I remember right, it does help.
But I am feeling very confused, very discouraged, and very worried for our world at large. 
And for the families in Connecticut, I can only say I feel your pain, I respect it, and fervently wish I could somehow change what has happened, and spare you the challenges you now have to face, through no fault of you own, for no good reason at all.
We can only all pray, and hang on as tightly to each other as we possibly can. 

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