Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Poem for Mother's Day

Your time with us was so much shorter than I ever wanted it to be.
We tried so hard to keep you here, your grief we couldn't see,
A mother would always give her own life for her son,
But you didn't give me that chance.
I would have done just anything to keep you here with me.
Twenty-five years was shorter than I ever thought it could be.
The treasure of your existence, something I clung to desperately.
I just didn't want to lose you,
Life sometimes isn't fair,
But I know your destiny was set, by something greater than me.
The world has taken you away, some say by your own hand,
I know you wanted to stay, but just couldn't understand
how to find some joy and solace, how to make your life okay.
I never was angry you left me, I know you did what was planned.
So sometimes I think the universe won,
Your time here was short - a mother should never lose a son.
But there is something that you taught me,
A lesson so great and so real,
That on this day of all days, this is what I feel:
I did not have you for only twenty-five years-
I had you then, til now, and for always.
Because you still exist, your spirit so strong,
You're here every minute, and will be my whole life long.
So not for twenty-five years, but for always:
I have your little baby self, head on my shoulder and forehead so soft, always,
I have the toddler with white-blonde curls, always moving and climbing, always,
I have your preschool graduation, with you so shy you turned sideways as if no one could see you then, always,
I have the little boy laughing so hard on the living room floor at his favorite cartoon, always,
I have the bigger boy playing soccer, running as fast as the wind, always,
I have the basketball star, a picture of joy and ease on the court, always,
I have the young man so wise beyond his years, consoling me when I was in tears, always,
I have those last years we were together, as harried as they were, always.
And that's what I hold tight to now, that I have the spirit and joy of you,
For that I am grateful, with no regrets, always.
by Mary Ann Kirisits

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